TPA Grievance Redressal Mechanism  (GRM)

TPA has developed a Comprehensive Grievance Redressal Mechanism (GRM) for the Dar es Salaam Maritime Gateway Program (DMGP) of which this webpage is an integrative part. The purpose of GRM is to manage complaints and grievances from communities and other stakeholders in a systematic, fair, timely and transparent manner in order to promote mutual confidence and trust.

On opening of the DMGP webpage a tab on the right side of every page opens a pull-out menu, which allows every visitor to voice her / his complaints, compliments or suggestions.

The  fully functional up-to-date GRM includes a  digital and analog pathways for each and every one, such as an individual, private company, a group, stakeholders or an organisation inside and outside of TPA to voice their concerns, suggestions or complaints to a central authority at TPA, responsible to address all grievances in a quick and effective way and to ensure that any grievances voiced receive the appropriate feed back and corrective action in time.